Tag: <span>Household Items</span>

Please repair, resell (Play It Again) or consider craigslist, Freecycle, or look in the yellow pages under “Thrift Stores”.

All metal items can be disposed as scrap. Broken plastic toys go in the garbage.

Smoke detectors do not pose any health risks, and as such they can be disposed of in household garbage. View this handout to learn more

The HHW facilities accept smoke detectors for recycling. Visit the RPRA web site at RPRA to find your closest drop off location.

Some manufactures may have a return option – check the package when you buy new.

Give away or resell usable items – consider Craigslist, Freecycle, or look in the yellow pages under “Thrift Stores”.

For repair vendors, see the Yellow Pages under Appliances-Small.

Small appliances cannot be recycled in your curbside container. Recycle as scrap metal at your local landfill.

At the landfill in the garbage: Maximum size is 2ft x 2ft x 2ft weighing no more than 45 lbs.

You may also contact a local bulk or containerized waste removal company found it the Yellow Pages under the heading rubbish removal. Mars Environmental is one of those companies that may service your area.

Depending upon the item, there may be salvage value. Another option: look in the Yellow Pages under “Scrap Metal” for drop-off locations. Dealers may pay market prices.

Give away or resell usable items – consider Craigslist, Freecycle, or look in the yellow pages under “Thrift Stores”.

Appliances such as refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners contain chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which are regulated. These items cannot go in the garbage and should be recycled.

Recycle at your local landfill: There is usually a charge for appliances containing freon.

Remove food and any doors that have latches.

Give away or resell usable items – consider Craigslist, Freecycle, or look in the yellow pages under “Thrift Stores”.

Broken items go in the garbage – reduce size to fit in the can or take to your local landfill. You may also contact a local bulk or containerized waste removal company found it the Yellow Pages under the heading rubbish removal.

You may also contact a local bulk or containerized waste removal company found it the Yellow Pages under the heading rubbish removal. Mars Environmental is one of those companies that may service your area.

Unusable pots and pans go in the garbage.

Give away or resell usable items – consider Craigslist, Freecycle, or look in the yellow pages under “Thrift Stores”.

Put dog waste and used kitty litter into the garbage. Please use a bag to contain the waste.

Pet waste cannot be composted, however the Green Cone digester can accept it.

Do not flush kitty litter down the toilet.

Pet food bags are not recyclable and can not be composted. Please fold them to reduce bulk and place in your garbage can.

Pet food waste can go in your Green Cone or in the garbage. This includes dry and wet pet food.